The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good. Robert Graves I store my files within DEVONthink on my Mac. The professional version allows you to create multiple databases, which is really nice to have separate «spaces» for your files. Given that I use my personal computer for work, there are files I just do not want to be mixed up with my work files. So, using the databases essentially as separate Finder structures works really well for me. The work database contains all work files and when I search in it I just get my work files, and nothing that would be unprofessional in a professional setting. The only downside so far was that the mobile version — DEVONthink To Go just did not work out for me. It required WLAN for syncing, the sync was slow and sometimes broke down, which is really annoying when you are working with thousands of files. But recently I tried out DEVONthink To Go again and … waow, they did some nice improvements. I’m still trying it out (started a few days ago), so there are lots [...]