“I’m offend by … I … I … I turn on … I turn on … top 40 radio I’m offended over and over again. I watch mainstream television I’m offended over and over again. I hear Christianity shit, I hear this Muslim shit, I hear religion every day, I see ‘In God we trust’ on money every day. I’m offended right and fucking left. — I’m just not a little bitch about it.” Paul Provenza in “Silenced” Silenced is an interesting documentary — working mostly by letting the people speak (= lots of editing). I am missing a bit the overall thrust, but it is nicely done. (And yep, actually paid for it.) Trailer: Silenced. Our War On Free Speech from Michael Cernovich on Vimeo. Things are different than they used to be. We all know the feeling of dread when posting or talking about something controversial, and this dread has silenced us. It’s not censorship. The government isn’t doing it. We are. To ourselves. Across business, education, politics, and entertainment. Many comedians are even refusing to tour college campuses due to the sensibilities of students, and posting one wrong Tweet can get you fired from a job – [...]