Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain Heterodox Academy continues to be a light in the present endarkening (see also posting here). It states its mission as: “To increase viewpoint diversity in the academy, with a special focus on the social sciences.” Or to quote their statement: “I believe that university life requires that people with diverse viewpoints and perspectives encounter each other in an environment where they feel free to speak up and challenge each other. I am concerned that many academic fields and universities currently lack sufficient viewpoint diversity—particularly political diversity. I will support viewpoint diversity in my academic field, my university, my department, and my classroom.” They have recently created a College Care Pack (which is worth examining) and opened up their memberships to tenured professors. And I really like the idea of trying to ensure “institutionalized disconfirmation” as Prof. Haidt put it in a Dave Rubin talk (part 1, part 2). Even Especially cherished ideas should be challenged — in a fair but critical discussion. So it looks like things are going well for them. They are spreading the word and recently have started to create apparel and [...]