You people always hold onto old identities, old faces and masks, long after they’ve served their purpose. But you’ve got to learn to throw things away eventually. Death, in «Sandman: Dream Country», by Neil Gaiman No matter how creative you are — social interaction is important. The soft skills. The way you deal with others. Without them, it becomes hard to impossible to disseminate ideas, give feedback (hell, even being asked for feedback). And that severely limits your ability to improve things, to contribute. In short, the best ideas don’t work if you can’t convey them. And looking at myself — and perhaps this is true for others — the worst obstacle in achieving genuine communication is the mask I wear. To explain, I took part in a few counseling sessions a few years back. I was unemployed, because that was better than to continue working in a poisonous environment that was slowly killing me. Of course, being unemployed kills you in its own way, if you define yourself by what you do, by what you contribute. It sounds nice to have “free time”. It isn’t. Anyway, these counseling sessions by the employment office were intended to help me figure [...]